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A social media plugin:
an animated message

Since this was a 5 weeks project, I decided to aim at a feasible solution regarding the research. I started looking at how users expect social media. And I believe there is a way to delight their conversation. So users can feel at ease to chat and make fun with their friends and families.

Zippy is a plugin that allows users to type in letters, text, words, you can pick up your favourite pattern and colour. Make it creative and funky. Explore your own taste and experiment with every combination you are happy with.


5 weeks


UX design



Google Docs

Adobe suits


Information Structure



App design - Zippy
utilising your wardrobe sustainably

Zippy is an interactive platform that you are able to explore and create your animated message. You can make it fun, make it fit in your taste, make it delightful.


Here you may choose and combine different colours, patterns, typefaces, and animation. If you are happy with what you have done, share it with your friends!

Full Figma prototype - click here


How to manage depression and frustration during lockdown

A pandemic may have brought many changes to how you live your life, and with it, at times, uncertainty, altered daily routines, financial pressures and social isolation. You may worry about getting sick, how long the pandemic will last, whether your job will be affected and what the future will bring. Information overload, rumours and misinformation can make your life feel out of control and make it unclear what to do.

During the lockdown, not only did I spend more time on social media but feel at ease chatting with my friends and family.

How to empathy the user experience within a tight deadline

The biggest challenge of the project is to identify and empathy how users operate the menu. Because the menu includes type, colour, texture and animations. therefore, it was hard for me to manage the hierarchy of the layout.


In order to understand it within such a short time frame, I decided to apply a paper prototype and did user testing with around 30 users around me.


This project helps me understand the importance of users experience. As a designer, you cannot assume your design is perfect for the users. Instead, a good design should have implemented Usability testing and refined it based on feedback.

For future projects, even though there will be a tight deadline, it is vital to include effective time for usability testing.

Design Aim
Finding A sweet spot between fashion needs & sustainability

Even though fashion can cause bad effects in our society. From a piece of clothes we wear, an image to a style, fashion is affecting us every time and everywhere. Even people who say they don’t care what they wear choose clothes every morning that say a lot about them and how they feel that day.

Therefore, my aim is to find the sweet spot that is not only satisfying users' fashion demands but helping them to set up a sustainable fashion habit.

User Research
Social media being an important part of our daily life

According to 2019 research (Hootsuite/We Are Social), 3.6 million Kiwis are active social media users and they spend an average of 1 hour and 53 minutes on social media networks each day.

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